Driven by a longing to see language used to its maximum potential under a given set of circumstances, my mission as a translator is to ensure that the original text is successfully embossing the intended message in its new, translated guise.
Романтично-езиковедски ми се ще във всеки текст и документ езикът да разгръща целия си потенциал.
I did not exactly dream of becoming a translator but here I am today. My longest running experience is that of translating novels, which I embarked upon during my British and American Studies at Sofia University. I later started working on various other translation assignments from all spheres of life. I gradually grew into loving this job, and, though it often amounted to alternating deadlines and mad hours, it was none the less gratifying. Now I have accumulated extensive translation experience with EU and national policy, international development and cooperation, child protection and deinstitutionalization documents. I have duly become an advanced SDL Trados user and offer a full range of CAT services, including website localization.
Не преставам да се уча какво огромно богатство е езикът и как всяка област на живота го използва по различен начин; предизвикателството за мен - да усетя този начин.
Besides the obvious need to have something translated from English into Bulgarian and vice versa, you may happen to subscribe to (roughly) the same obsession and seek a translation that will speak volumes in itself; or, you may want to ensure that the translation matches the quality of the original document; or, you might simply want to get a translation that is a usable document already. Either way, by seeking me out, you will be guaranteed a personal approach and willingness to provide the best rendition in the required language. Moreover, you will surely have come across a translator who feels for the text as much as you do.
Моят превод няма за цел да промени оригиналния текст, а да му даде възможност да се развихри, без да загуби или надхвърли смисъла си.
My clients include a number of Bulgarian and several international publishers such as Colibri, Millenium, Prozorets, Locus, Trud in Bulgaria and Wieser Verlag in Austria; businesses and non-governmental organizations, among which WYG Bulgaria, UNICEF, Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, Institute for Studies of the Recent Past, Business Park Sofia, and Terraton Inc. in the USA, as well as magazines such as EDNO Magazine, Manager Magazine, Grazia Magazine and others.
Едно нещо обединява хората и организациите, които се обръщат към мен - те стават част от двупосочна комуникация относно превода.