This category covers all general translations from English into Bulgarian and increasingly from Bulgarian into English. Naturally, these include a wide range of material, including personal, corporate, and academic documents, and roughly anything that may at some point be required by a person's life or an organization's operation.
European Union and EU related documents fall under a separate category due to their very specific nature and not least due to the sheer volume of text they represent. These are normally characterized by a highly specialized jargon (even the most general ones) in which I am very well versed and which I have regularly employed.
Literature is an entirely different undertaking in terms of translation. It requires longer time and a huge amount of creativity, even if only to restrain oneself from 'rewriting' the work. My portfolio of published translations of fiction is focused mainly on contemporary works and is still growing. I enjoy this kind of work immensely and find it extremely satisfying.
This is a service that involves a different kind of creativity and an extreme sense of your own language and public perceptions. It is as rewarding as it is difficult, because of the constant awareness of the ever growing pool of users that will potentially resort to the translation. My services in this respect are accurate and always endeavor to capture both the proper Bulgarian language and the language of today's web users.
What I count under this heading is a complex and very culture specific process of taking one brand name and literally measuring it against the Bulgarian background. What I offer is a comprehensive service involving actual translation of a brand name into Bulgarian but also taking into account the extent to which the rendition will be linguistically and culturally acceptable, as well as viable considering the current state-of-affairs on the market.
As a professional, I have had to maintain a trend of constant skill development. One of the major outcomes of this is my employment of computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools. I work extensively with SDL Trados Studio and am able to offer high-quality translation output. I have also obtained SDL Trados Certification, so as to be able to offer my clients further guarantee that they can rely on a consistent long-term partnership.